Private online assessment

Medical team will review within 24 hours*
Some states require immediate video chat, we'll let you know.

FREE, fast delivery to your door for ongoing treatment
Only available for daily preventative treatment
Less than $1/day to prevent outbreaks & protect partners
Immediate and suppression treatment available
Some states require immediate video chat, we'll let you know.
Only available for daily preventative treatment
*during business hours
Call us. We’re here to help
888-536-2267Genital herpes are a pain. Genital herpes can affect the genitals, upper thighs, buttocks, or hips.
Symptoms come on once a year to every few months and include:
Lemonaid is an online doctor’s office. So long as this isn’t your first genital herpes outbreak, our doctors or nurse practitioners can give you a prescription for an effective anti-viral genital herpes treatment.
If you’ve got a herpes outbreak right now you’ll want treatment that helps with your immediate symptoms. These genital herpes medications last from 1 to 5 days.
If you don’t have an outbreak now but want to prevent future outbreaks and decrease the chance of giving herpes to your partner, you should consider daily preventative treatment - so called ‘suppression’.
Immediate genital herpes outbreak
Prescription-strength genital herpes medicine can reduce how long your genital herpes outbreak lasts. Select between 3 anti-viral herpes medications that are equally effective but are different in terms of how long you take them. See the table below.
# pills at a time
how often
# of days
cost of medicine
1 pill
2 times a day
5 days
1 pill
2 times a day
3 days
2 pills
2 times a day
1 day
Daily preventative herpes treatment (‘suppression’)
If you get a lot of genital herpes outbreaks then daily preventative/’suppression’ genital medication can reduce how frequently you get them. Daily treatment can also reduce the chance of giving genital herpes to your partner. Select between the 2 anti-viral herpes medicines that are equally effective but are different in terms of how many times a day you take them.
Daily genital herpes treatment only works if you take the meds every day on an ongoing basis.
# pills at a time
how often
# of days
cost of medicine
1 pill
2 times a day
Take every day
$50/3 months with FREE delivery
1 pill
1 time a day
Take every day
$50/3 months with FREE delivery
We rely upon your answers to our health questions to decide if it’s safe to give you genital herpes medication online. There’s a chance we could give you anti-viral herpes medicines when you don’t in fact have genital herpes.
We’re more likely to make the wrong diagnosis if this is your first herpes outbreak. That’s why you shouldn’t use Lemonaid if this is your very first genital herpes outbreak.
‘Off-label’ use of medicines for preventative treatment
Doctors throughout the US routinely give patients the anti-viral herpes medicines we prescribe for daily preventative treatment (‘suppression’).
But it’s important to know that the FDA hasn’t specifically approved the medicines we prescribe for daily preventative use. That said, it’s totally normal for patients to get these medicines for genital herpes.
Our online treatment protocols mean we can’t give herpes medication to everyone. If any of the following apply to you, please don’t use our genital herpes service and instead see a doctor or nurse practitioner in person.